Pilsen is preparing the 2018 Liberation Festival Pilsen, the main program will start from May 4th till May 6th 2018. A big Australian Pink Floyd show will be held on May the 1st followed by Pilsen talks organized by the West Bohemian University on May 3rd, and the exhibition the 75th anniversary of the 16th Armored Division of the US Army entering Pilsen as the first US unit liberating the city in 1945. The main program will offer the concert of the American Count Basie Orchestra on Friday, Convoy of Liberty on Saturday May 5th, and traditional commemorative act Thank you, America !on Sunday, May 6th.
Each year, the main event is May 6th. This traditionally begins with a commemorative act at the Pilsen city hall and culminates with the main commemorative act at 4 PM at the memorial Thank you, America! These events are attended by veterans of the USA and Belgium and, traditionally, the ambassadors of the Kingdom of Belgium and the United States of America. In May 2018, he date of the liberation of Pilsen by the US Army is – May 6th, Sunday.
For this reason the City of Pilsen together with representatives of military history clubs agreed to move the Convoy of Liberty to Saturday May 5th. It is a way to allow veterans and the public to handle the program of celebrations comfortably. On Saturday, May 5th, the convoy will start at 11 AM traditionally from Sukova Street and pass through Klatovska Street, the front of the convoy will arrive along with the veterans to the main city square. The main commemorative act will take place on Sunday, May 6th, at 4 PM at the memorial Thank you, America!, whose reconstruction is being prepared for the spring of 2018. The organizers believe the exceptional move of the Convoy of Liberty in 2018 to Saturday May 5th will be accepted by the public with understanding.
City: Pilsen/CZ
Doors open: TBA
Concert starts: 8.00 pm
Venue: Liberation Festival Pilsen 2018 Open air on Republic Square Address: TBA
Website: slavnostisvobody.cz/en/
Ticket price: TBA
Box office contact: TBA