Billy Redd Quartet
Gardenia Room
The Gardenia is special. Try to go into it understanding that it is one of a few left of a dying breed. Is the food amazing? No, it's not amazing, but it's tasty. Is customer service the top priority? Nope, but they're good and honest, and while they may show that they're tired or busy, it doesn't mean they're going to take it out on your food or your drinks or your bill later. Is the interior new and super stylish? No, it's loved and broken in, but not broken down. It reminds me of a new fabulous nightclub in New York in the '80's... And why that has to be a bad thing to some of these reviewers is beyond me! It's kitschy and awesome.
This is a nightclub, in the old tradition. The cover charge goes straight to the performer. God bless them!- Los Angeles is notorious for not paying it's performers. So thank you, Gardenia, for taking care of the talent that keeps your doors open. And how do they keep the doors open? By bringing in guests who buy food and drinks. That keeps them OPEN, SO THAT THERE IS A PLACE TO GO to hear this type of performance.
The regulars are warm and fun, the open mic is always surprising and filled with laughs and smiles, professionals and amateurs alike.
Just accept it for what it is and you'll have a great time.